Creating Polygons from Raster Extents
There are many like it, but this one is mine. Catch that reference?
OK, so here is a script that will allow the user to select a folder directory. The script will scan the directory for any raster files. It will grab the extents of the raster and build a polygon feature class. When building a mosaic I like to also know the compression type, number of bands, no data value, pixel type, etc. Those options will also be added to the polygon per raster tile.
Quick note, I wrote this with the idea that a person could add this script to their toolbox to have a nice GUI interface. The only parameter required is the input file path.
OK, so here is a script that will allow the user to select a folder directory. The script will scan the directory for any raster files. It will grab the extents of the raster and build a polygon feature class. When building a mosaic I like to also know the compression type, number of bands, no data value, pixel type, etc. Those options will also be added to the polygon per raster tile.
Quick note, I wrote this with the idea that a person could add this script to their toolbox to have a nice GUI interface. The only parameter required is the input file path.
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